Danish Kringle Assortment
Traditionally served for dessert, but perfect for breakfast too!
These authentic Danish Kringles are made in nearby Racine, Wisconsin from traditional Wienerbrod dough hand-rolled into paper-thin layers and spread with natural fruit or nut filling. After baking, the golden brown pastry is topped with buttercream frosting, cooled and cut into generous foot-long portions. Assortment includes one each of Almond, Apple-Cinnamon, Pecan,and Raspberry Kringles. Each variety comes in a protective, stay-fresh package, and provides 5 servings (total assortment is approximately 20 servings).
Total weight (2 lbs. 10 oz.)
To Store: If you plan to serve at a later date place in freezer.
To Serve: Kringles are fully cooked and ready to eat. Simply bring to room temperature, slice, and serve.
This product contains gluten.

Apple Cinnamon

